The Dobson Free Places Fund

Maximise your impact: All gifts to Free Places are doubled, up to £2 million per year, by a charitable foundation. Early gifts, up to £50,000, are quadrupled, thanks to the generosity of the Joan Hill Foundation!

(Total shown inclusive of matched and challenge funds.)

£709,254 has been raised from 687 donors.

The Vision

Real-world problems, ambitious solutions

St John's has always prioritized financial support for students from low-income households, understanding how crucial this is to their access to higher education and their potential to succeed. In 2021, the College launched its boldest initiative yet, the Dobson Free Places Fund, in response to declining social mobility, rising student debt, and reduced university access.

Named after the College's respected 44th Master, Sir Christopher Dobson, the Dobson Free Places Fund is one of the most ambitious schemes of its kind in UK higher education. Through this Fund, St John's will provide 40 fully-funded places to talented students from low-income backgrounds. This will be supported by an endowed £25 million fund, ensuring lasting access to world-class education, opportunities, and student support.

Our goal is to guarantee that St John's can fully support the wellbeing of its students, independent of government policy shifts. Ultimately, we want to say to any deserving student: we want you, and money won't be a barrier.

How does it work?

Each free place provides tuition and all associated maintenance costs, including accommodation, food, travel, course materials, and co-curricular enrichment. This ensures complete financial security for recipients throughout their undergraduate degree. Beneficiaries come from very low-income households (maximum combined income of £17,628 per annum), have received Free School Meals, and have often overcome exceptional challenges-such as long-term caregiving roles or growing up in care.

The significance of this support is reflected in the pioneering Studentship Scheme, which since 2016 has awarded over 830 grants to students from low and middle-income families. What sets the Dobson Free Places apart is the use of a £25 million endowed fund, permanently ring-fenced within the College's budget. The interest from this fund will sustain 40 free places in perpetuity, transforming St John's by providing sustainable, world-class support to students for generations to come.

Real progress is being made

Support for the Dobson Free Places Fund has been nothing short of inspiring, and we are deeply grateful to the 1,670 Johnians and friends who have contributed so far. Thanks to you, we are thrilled to report that, as of December 2024, over £17 million has been raised, far surpassing the halfway mark. This generosity has enabled the launch of the Free Places scheme on a pilot basis, with six students having been welcomed to St John's since October 2023. Their studies are progressing well, and we look forward to introducing some of them during Giving Day.

The Challenges

Barriers to attainment

For top-tier UK universities, a three-year undergraduate degree now costs over £60,000, far exceeding the annual income of many families. This financial burden often deters students from applying or, if they do secure a place, hinders them from reaching their full potential. Concerns about tuition and living costs, and the need to balance paid work with educational commitments, frequently affect academic progress and may reduce opportunities for personal growth through engaging with sports and societies.

Students also often feel compelled to return home during vacations to cut costs, missing valuable work experience or research opportunities. By alleviating financial pressures and providing an environment which empowers students to reach their potential, Dobson Free Places will nurture future leaders, thinkers, and innovators, equipping them to make a positive impact on the world.

Retaining and nurturing talent

As globalisation intensifies, competition for talent among leading educators grows. UK social mobility charities report more students choosing generous scholarship programmes at international universities, many offering free education for students coming from households households earning under £45,000. This 'brain drain' is concerning, and UK universities must urgently enhance support for students to maintain their global standing.

The Dobson Free Places Fund helps overcome these challenges by offering talented students a fully-supported environment in the UK. We believe the initiative's ambition and scale will inspire other institutions to follow suit and provide a clear roadmap for them to do so.

The Time is Now

No better time to give

This bold initiative is possible thanks to a £14 million commitment from a charitable foundation to double every gift to the Dobson Free Places Fund. It's a historic opportunity, but time-limited; St John's must raise £2-3 million annually for Free Places until March 31, 2027. This is no small feat. As of January 2025 we’ve hit our first two targets, thanks to the generosity of Johnians and friends like you, and we are now more than 70% to the £25 million goal. As a community, we must sustain our resolve to complete this once-in-a-generation effort. Your support is more needed and appreciated than ever, with a profound impact on our students' lives and futures.

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Leonard Picardo donated
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